The thermal coatings division from Mets provides a very wide range of advanced solutions in the field of coatings. These are thermal coatings including: PLASMA / HVOF / ARC SPRAY As mentioned and as already mentioned, it is possible to reach coating thicknesses of 5 mm or more (depending on the type of coating), the coatings have a very strong adhesion that allows the processing of the coating to the dimensions and quality of the surface with high levels of precision. The range of solutions is wide and addresses the field of repairs and renovations MRO for the military aviation field and also in diverse civilian fields such as the energy, water, food industries, etc. The technology enables the improvement of parts by giving new features that enable the extension of the lifespan of critical parts. Mets coatings are designed to protect parts from wear mechanical, natural wear, erosion, fatigue of the material, etc. It is also intended to give new properties such as compliance with extreme temperature conditions, electrical conductivity or non-conductivity, etc.
This technology has the ability to restore dimensions of parts and bring that part to its original surface quality, and at the same time, to improve the capabilities and durability of that part for a longer life than it had before the coating.
Those who are interested in expanding and learning more about the technology behind each of the coating methods available with us, are welcome to click on the links from Thal for further reading and in-depth reading.
A solution to any mechanical, chemical, temperature or electrical problem.
Improving product performance.
Extending product life.
Preservation of the characteristics of the original part as needed.
The absence of cracks and deformation of parts due to overheating.
Creating a particularly strong and tight bond between the coating and the coated part.
Resistance to high temperatures.
Reduction of maintenance costs and loss of time.
Replacing the traditional and polluting chrome coating with a process that is not harmful to the environment.
Creating new, technological and competitive products.